How to use anti detect browser to manage multiple stand-alone websites online?

If you want to succeed, you should not only rely on your own efforts but also consider some external factors. Just like engaging in e-commerce, those who spend the same time and energy on stand-alone websites may gain more and operate more easily than those who work on traditional cross-border platforms. Why? This is the importance of choice because being a stand-alone website is easier and less risky than entering a traditional cross-border platform. Why is it easier to sell on stand-alone websites? What are the advantages of stand-alone websites?

Lalicat Anti Detect Browser

What are the advantages of stand-alone websites?

1. The competition is not so fierce. There are many sellers on cross-border platforms. The market tends to be saturated and the competition is fierce;

2. Each traffic of the stand-alone website can directly reach the website and will not be diverted;

3. There are few rules, the risk control is not particularly strict, and the stand-alone website does not have so strict rules, so it is not easy to be closed.

However, stand-alone websites and cross-border e-commerce platforms have a headache for all sellers, that is, multiple accounts are not allowed to operate at the same time. Therefore, whether doing cross-border e-commerce or stand-alone websites, we need to use a professional e-commerce browser - Lalicat anti-detect browser to do a lot of anti-association work of accounts.

How does Lalicat anti detect browser prevent multi-account association?

Lalicat antidetect browser can effectively help users avoid account association caused by the same browser fingerprint by creating multiple browser environments with different fingerprints. Moreover, Lalicat virtual browser can also be combined with a third-party IP proxy to help users solve the problem that they cannot register in batches due to the same IP.

The traditional cross-border platform also has some other disadvantages, which increase the operation difficulty of sellers.

Disadvantages of cross-border platforms

1. Some cross-border platforms need to pay entry fees and commissions, and the cost is high;

2. There are requirements for the size and specification of products on the shelf;

3. Difficult to obtain customer information, unable to carry out fan marketing;

4. The complaint channel is relatively simple and easy to be reported maliciously.

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