What is the wrong behavior of Facebook maintaining accounts?

As the most active online social platform, Facebook is used by many cross-border sellers, advertisers and we media bloggers. With the increasing number of platform users, Facebook has made more and more efforts to manage the account in order to maintain the image of the platform.

However, most users have some errors in their account maintenance behavior, resulting in the account being banned in the process of account maintenance. Today, I'd like to introduce some wrong behaviors and countermeasures.

Lalicat Fingerprint Browser

Facebook wrong number maintaining behavior

1. The account information is not true

In order to achieve better marketing effect, users usually register a large number of accounts, but many users ignore the login environment and information authenticity of the account. Untrue account information (mobile phone number, email address, name, etc.) and unstable login environment are likely to be judged as "zombie account" by the platform, resulting in account being banned. Therefore, we need Lalicat fingerprint browser to provide stable login environment for accounts.

2. Association between accounts

For this behavior of operating more accounts, the most fear is that the accounts are associated. Because the Facebook platform does not allow a user to have multiple accounts for over marketing or malicious marketing, which reduces the user's sense of experience, the platform controls the associated accounts very strictly. Once the account association is found, it will be banned immediately.

Lalicat fingerprint browser can create multiple virtual browser profiles with unique fingerprints to deal with the risk control mechanism of the platform, so as to effectively prevent association.

3. Eager to marketing

If you use the newly registered account to add a large number of strange friends and have no interaction with them, it will certainly be judged as a marketing number by the platform and banned. But it takes too much time to raise numbers one by one. At this time, we can use Lalicat fingerprint browser to open more browser windows for batch operation and improve work efficiency.

In the whole process of maintaining accounts, we should try our best to imitate the behavior and habits of real users, so that the accounts can give full play to the maximum marketing effect.

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