Can a virtual browser prevent fingerprint tracing and IP address tracking?

At present, most platforms rely on IP and browser fingerprints to track some users. With the popularity of Internet access, every user on the Internet has a 32-bit binary combination formed by the router, network number, and host number. It is easy to understand that each computer will generate a fingerprint canvas through its own configuration. The platforms can identify our browser fingerprints and track us.

Lalicat Virtual Browser

So how to prevent fingerprint tracking of the browser?

1. IP address

If you are not a hacker or a network security expert, you don't need to care too much about IP. After all, ordinary Internet users won't have any hackers staring at them. The IP problem is mainly reflected in those who require high privacy. For example, for cross-border e-commerce, the only way is to use different IP addresses for different accounts.

2. Browser fingerprint tracking

Browser fingerprint tracking is mainly that when users use the web client to access the website, they will be marked by the platform through a series of means. If the same account logs in on the marked device next time, it will judge the association and ban the account.

In order to solve the above two points, Lalicat virtual browser was born. Lalicat virtual browser uses a new concept and virtual browser technology to provide a safe and clean network environment for each account. Each created virtual browser is configured to generate different fingerprint canvases, and the platform can not detect the association of accounts.

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