What are the advantages and disadvantages of Shopify? How to use the antidetect browser to manage Shopify stores?

To say what industry is the most popular now, it must be cross-border e-commerce. If you want to engage in cross-border e-commerce, you can settle in traditional cross-border platforms (Amazon, Wish, eBay, etc.) or create cross-border independent stations (Shopify, etc.). The two methods have their own advantages, but the momentum of independent stations in recent years is significantly higher than that of traditional cross-border platforms. Why? Today, I will take Shopify independent station as an example to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of independent station and how to use antidetect browser to manage the store.

The biggest disadvantage of Shopify is that it is difficult to obtain traffic, so many independent sellers will open more stores to obtain more traffic.

Lalicat anti-detect browser

Multi store management is the biggest headache for many sellers, which needs to be managed with professional software. Lalicat anti-detect browser is undoubtedly the best tool to manage Shopify stores, because Lalicat anti-detect browser can solve the problem that users cannot register in batch by modifying the browser fingerprint data, including IP, time zone and language, so as to help Shopify sellers register multiple accounts.

And Lalicat antidetect browser can create a browser for an account to provide a stable login environment for the account, so as to facilitate the seller's management of the store. Disadvantages and solutions have been told. What are the advantages of Shopify?

What are the advantages of Shopify independent station?

1. Shopify website is easy to build. It doesn't need to register the company in advance. It can be created in more than ten minutes.

2. Goods are not strictly controlled by e-commerce platforms, but not all goods can be sold, and goods controlled by national policies and customs policies cannot be sold.

3. Shopify has easier access to customer resources. It can require customers to fill in some information when placing an order, such as telephone, email, etc., which is very convenient for e-mail marketing and evaluation in the future.

4. Shopify does not have as many rules as the e-commerce platform, so it will not be closed easily and has less risk. This is also the main reason why cross-border merchants choose to be independent stations.

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