Why does the virtual browser protect account security better than VPS?

Cross-border merchants who operate with multiple accounts fear that their accounts will be banned.

Therefore, in order to better protect the security of the account and avoid being associated with the seal, the merchants have also made their own tricks, using VPS and virtual browsers, such as Lalicat. Through comparison, we find that the anti association effect of Lalicat virtual browser is significantly stronger than that of the VPS, and the account logged in with Lalicat is also more secure. Why?

Lalicat Virtual Browser

Why does virtual browser protect account security better than VPS?

VPS mainly divides a server into multiple virtual servers to achieve the purpose of account anti-association. However, the detection technology of many platforms is constantly updated, and VPS alone can no longer cope with platform risk control. In addition, VPS relies too much on the primary server. Once the primary server has problems, the virtual servers can't run normally. Their stability is too poor and they are unsafe to use.

However, Lalicat virtual browser can deeply modify the underlying code of the browser's kernel, so that the browser profiles created have different fingerprint information, so as to create a good isolation environment for the account and effectively avoid account Association. In addition, Lalicat can also assign an IP to each browser in combination with an agent, which can not only help users bypass the restrictions of the geographical environment, but also provide a stable login environment for accounts.

Although the virtual browser is not as early as VPS, its unique technology of creating a virtual browser plays a great role in preventing account association, which is very suitable for users who need to register and manage more accounts.

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