Can virtual browser prevent Shopee accounts association?

As two well-known cross-border e-commerce platforms, Amazon and eBay were born earlier and have more traffic, but the competition is too fierce. Some cross-border e-commerce platforms, such as Shopee in Southeast Asia, are relatively less competitive and can be regarded as a good choice to settle in cross-border industries.

Lalicat Virtual Browser

Is it difficult to register shopee business account?

In fact, it is not difficult to register a Shopee account. You can provide some basic information (mobile phone number, e-mail, office address, business license, legal person id card, etc). However, in order to obtain greater benefits, sellers need to operate multiple accounts together.

Can you operate multiple Shopee accounts?

Of course not, because Shopee stipulates that a seller can only operate one account, so if you want to jointly operate multiple Shopee accounts, you need to do a good job in account anti-association.

How can I prevent Shopee account association?

In the process of account anti-association, the most difficult problem is the account association caused by the same browser fingerprint. Lalicat virtual browser can help users virtual different browser fingerprints, thus effectively avoiding multiple accounts having the same browser fingerprints.

What is the Lalicat virtual browser?

Lalicat virtual browser is a browser specially designed for account anti-association. It can provide a relatively independent operating environment for the account by generating multiple browser windows with unique fingerprints, so as to achieve the purpose of account anti-association.

If the platform suspects that it is a multi-account operation, be sure to submit the registration data of each account in time. Of course, when submitting, make sure that the registration information of each account are different, and check whether you operate improperly, which will arouse the suspicion of the platform.

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