Browser fingerprint camouflage software: can virtual browser modify browser fingerprint?

Browser fingerprint is mainly used to accurately locate users through browser information, such as system, font, screen resolution, browser plug-ins, etc. even if the privacy mode of the browser is used, it can not prevent browser fingerprint identification.

Lalicat Virtual Browser

Now browser fingerprints are mainly divided into the following types:

Universal fingerprint

The most common Cookies, Evercookies, fall into this category.

Basic fingerprint

The type of hardware, operating system, user-agent, system font, resolution, plug-in and so on. The general fingerprint usually only records your preferences, but this kind of fingerprint will attach a specific label to you, and the user will be identified and operated again.

Comprehensive fingerprint

WebRTC, including MediaStream, RTCPeerConnection、RTCDataChannel, etc. These fingerprints are the most difficult to modify. The web will obtain the information of your computer through JS, and you don't know where these fingerprint information will be hidden, so you can't modify it.

In the final analysis, as long as you modify the fingerprint information of the browser, you can achieve the purpose of anti-association. At present, there is a software that can achieve this purpose - Lalicat virtual browser.

Lalicat uses the virtual browser profile to replace several computer. Each virtual browser has its own fingerprint protection function and has good protection and isolation measures. There will be no fingerprint leakage. When logging in to the account, the virtual browser will generate a different fingerprint canvas for each account. The platform and website can't detect our real fingerprint information at all.

To sum up, this is why Lalicat virtual browser can achieve the anti-association effect of multiple accounts.

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