How does the anti detect browser prevent the intrusion of fingerprint identification?

Perhaps you are curious, why do you always see advertisements for the same products on the Internet? The answer may be: fingerprint tracking.

Lalicat anti detect browser

Why can browser fingerprints be used to track users?

The browser fingerprint is deterministic, and each device has a unique browser fingerprint, which will not be repeated. Therefore, it is easy to distinguish each user with the browser fingerprint.

For websites, browser fingerprints can be obtained in many ways and easily. When users browse the web, the website can obtain user cookies and install various trackers. In our browser, the user information can be seen at a glance. With the introduction of API, it becomes easier to obtain fingerprints.
The user's fingerprint first visit to the website is the same as the second, third and more time , and the browser fingerprint is stable.

Why do websites track and identify users' fingerprints?

(1) Collect user data

The data of many Internet companies are not shared. In the era of data being the king, mastering more user data has a natural advantage for network companies.

(2) Advertising push

By analyzing users' online behavior, the website can judge users' preferences and customize corresponding advertisements for users. Advertising push is also one of the means for websites to make profits.

(3) Maintain platform order

In order to maintain fair order, some platforms do not allow users to register repeatedly, such as Facebook, Amazon, etc. There are also many websites that will launch some welfare activities for members. In order to avoid users receiving them many times, it is good to filter duplicate users through fingerprint identification.

How can we prevent websites from identifying our fingerprints?

Professional work requires the use of professional tools. The best way to prevent website fingerprint tracking and identification is to use an antidetect browser.

At present, Lalicat anti detect browser has a high market share. It can not only prevent users' online behavior from being detected, but also help cross-border e-commerce sellers realize multi-account operation and accounts anti-ssociation.

Principle of Lalicat anti-detect browser

Lalicat anti detect browser replaces our real fingerprint by simulating the real browser fingerprint to accept the detection of the website. In Lalicat, we can modify and generate different fingerprints without limitation, so that the website can not identify our real user identity.

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