Prevent Shopee Account Association

Shopee is an e-commerce platform founded in 2015, compared with Amazon, eBay, Lazada, wish, and other e-commerce platforms, Shopee has a low cost of opening stores, no rent, and fewer capital requirements, so it has become the first choice for many small and medium-sized enterprises or individual sellers.

As a seller of e-commerce platforms, account anti-association is the top priority for multi-store operation or management. If the problem of store anti association is not handled properly, many stores may be frozen and face huge property losses.

How to solve the problem that stores are associated with?

First, we need to understand what the platform is based on to determine the association between stores.

(1) Browser

Because according to the hypertext protocol, when you visit the web page, the web page can directly read your cookie and IP, which are important information, and these two are fixed. Therefore, when the platform detects that the IP and cookie information of multiple stores are the same, it will determine that the same seller registers multiple accounts, and will be directly frozen without appeal Because this is basically the criterion of all e-commerce platforms.

The answer to solving the problem is also simple - Lalicat virtual browser. Why recommend the Lalicat fingerprint browser? What is its use? What are its advantages?

(2) IP address

Lalicat fingerprint browser supports mainstream proxy services in the market and supports HTTP / HTTPS / Socks5. The network is stable and fast. The security of IP is also very important, because it may have been used by others and associated with other stores before you. Then the IP you used may also trigger the anti-association mechanism.

(3) Create a standalone browser environment

Lalicat virtual browser can create multiple independent virtual browser environments. In the virtual environment, cookies and browser profiles are isolated from each other, so that cookies and profiles among multiple stores are not related to each other, which essentially realizes the security of e-commerce operation.

I hope you must do a good job in Shopee store anti-association and pay attention to details in order to operate the store safely and effectively. Now you can apply for a free trial for three days.

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