What is the fingerprint browser?

Lalicat Fingerprint Browser
  • What is the fingerprint browser? What does it have to do with browser fingerprints?

When you use the browser to surf the Internet, an advertisement pops up on your screen, which is a product searched a few days ago. Are you curious why your computer "knows" you so much? In fact, the fingerprint of your browser betrayed you.

  • What are browser fingerprints?

Browser fingerprint refers to the data monitored by the background of the web page when you are using the browser. Your IP, cache, local storage, cookies, and computer hardware are all your unique browser fingerprints. In order to combat this monitoring and protect users' privacy, fingerprint browsers came into being.

  • What is the fingerprint browser?

First, the fingerprint browser can change your browser fingerprint and disguise your identity. Simply put, it is to modify the detected parameters of the browser and simulate a real value. After such a series of "transformation" operations, the detection system will consider it an independent device.

  • Can fingerprint browser be used to batch register accounts?

The obstacle that we cannot complete batch registration of accounts on the same platform on one computer is that the platform will not only detect our personal information at the time of registration but also obtain the fingerprint of the browser we use.

We try to solve this problem with the Lalicat fingerprint browser. Each new profile represents a new identity. The parameters of the profile must be changed, including IP address, UA identification header, cookie, and canvas voiceprint.

Profiles are isolated and independent from each other. You can register an account by opening a new browser environment. Batch registration can also prevent account association! Moreover, the configuration file also supports transmission and sharing, which is convenient for future management. I found that the Lalicat virtual browser has simulation input to simulate the typing speed of people, which not only reduces trouble but also avoids the robot detection of the platform. It's so convenient to batch register with Lalicat anti-detect browser!

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